Sunday, May 22, 2011

New App - Medicalpedia

I released a new app a few days ago. It's another themed Wikipedia app called Medicalpedia and it's focus is the Medicine category of Wikipedia. This is an excellent category and the app has all the features of my other Wikipedia themed apps. The link is in the list on the right hand side of this page.

Some jerkface gave me a single star and bad review in the American store. His complaint is that there is no search in the app. He obviously doesn't understand how Wikipedia works, because if he did he'd know that there is a search box on each page that the app renders. I could have built a search but I saw no reason to duplicate functionality that already existed. I don't mind criticism and I don't mind if people don't like my apps. People have told me to my face that they don't like my apps and I'm fine with that. What I don't like is people trashing my apps for no reason. I am very clear about what my apps are and what they do in the descriptions and to give me one star because they don't have a feature that someone thinks they should have, (and in this case do have), is just being a major league idiot.

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