Sunday, February 27, 2011

EnvrionRSS iPhone now in App Store

I made an iPhone version of the Enviro RSS HD app. It's called EnvironRSS and it's been accepted into the app store. I've added a link to it to the list of my apps.

I made a few more Wikipedia browsers but they've been rejected by Apple. They claim that they are not significantly different from the web experience of viewing Wikipedia. I don't agree with them. I think that the navigation, the ability to make and export notes, as well as the Instapaper/Facebook integration make it a much better study tool as opposed to viewing Wikipedia in a browser. But I guess that's not enough for Apple. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I guess I could put more functionality into it. I was thinking about adding the ability to collect favourite articles into a "bookmarked" or "favourites" folder. I don't know if that would be enough. I've also thought about maybe offering a "reading" view in which everything except the article content is stripped out. So there'd be no links, no references, nothing but text. I've looked into it a bit and it looks like a lot of work. It's not that I'm afraid of a lot of work, it's just that I think that I'd just be repeating the Instapaper functionality and not really offering much value to users. I don't know.

If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

iPhone RSS Reader Updates

USGov RSS, CanGov RSS, and MegaTech iPhone apps have all been updated to allow the user to use the apps in landscape mode. The updates have been accepted by Apple and are available in the AppStore. I'm hoping to have a few more Wikipedia based apps out next week. They've been submitted to Apple and are currently awaiting review. It looks like the review process has slowed down again. It got a little better after Christmas, but it's back to about a week for updates and over a week for new apps. Hopefully this is only temporary.

I'd like to encourage anyone who has downloaded one of my apps and likes it to rate it, or leave a comment at iTunes. It would be great to get some feedback.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

EU-RSS iPhone Update

I was recently contacted by a user of my EU-RSS iPhone app who requested that I make it work in landscape mode so that they could better read the articles that it provided. I have made this change and it is now available as an update through the app store. I will be updating all of my other iPhone RSS readers with the same functionality this weekend.

Currently I have two apps that are awaiting approval by Apple. One is "waiting for review" and the other is "in review", but I've been informed that the review process for this app will take extra time. Apple gave no reason why extra time is needed to review this app. I sent them an email a few days ago inquiring as to what the hold up is but they haven't responded yet. The same thing happened with Deathpedia and they offered no reason then either. This is kind of annoying, but as long as the app makes it in without too much trouble I guess it's a minor annoyance.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New App - Deathpedia - Inspect Tor updated

My latest app has been approved by Apple and is in the App Store. It's called Deathpedia and it's just like Biblicalpedia only the topic is Death instead of the Bible. I don't have high expectations for this app as far as sales go, but I like it. Death is a fascinating subject and the Wikipedia pages that deal with it and related subjects are really good.

Inspect Tor has been updated with the latest data set released by the City of Toronto.

I'm working on a few new apps and hope to have at least one of them done by the end of the weekend, but since the Super Bowl is this weekend it might not happen. Either way I'm hoping to have both of them submitted to Apple by the end of next week.

I've posted my email on the blog now so feel free to contact me with suggestions, bugs, job offers, whatever.